
CPPO Practice Test

This web-based, self-paced course can be accessed through the Procurement U Learning Management System (LMS).
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Delivery Method:

Web Based Training (WBT) - Self Paced

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Please read all information before beginning. 

Welcome to the CPPO Practice Test developed by the UPPCC Board of Examiners.  It is a timed, 60 question test that covers the six domains of the CPPO Body of Knowledge & Competency which is the basis for the CPPO exam.  The practice test is designed to simulate what the real CPPO exam will look and feel like as well as being a test of your current competency in each domain area.  The domains and corresponding percentages per domain are as follows:


Percent of Total


  1. Legal Framework
  2. Procurement Planning & Analysis
  3. Sourcing & Solicitation
  4. Contract Development & Management
  5. Leadership
  6. Business Principles

  1. 15%
  2. 17%
  3. 20%
  4. 17%
  5. 18%
  6. 13%

Each Domain of the practice test is timed separately and you will have three opportunities to test in each Domain.  Once you answer and submit a question, you will immediately know if you answered it correctly and it will also reference the question to the corresponding competency statement.  Make note of the competency statement if you answer incorrectly for subsequent study purposes.  For the purposes of this practice test only, a proficient score in each domain will be 72% and above.

Note: This practice test will expire 90 days after enrollment. The expiration will occur 90 days after enrollment if the practice test is complete or incomplete. Please plan your studying efforts accordingly.  

WARNING – The contents of this practice test are the property of UPPCC and for use by only the individual who purchased the practice exam.  Taking pictures or screenshots of the practice test questions is strictly prohibited.  Anyone caught in violation will be subject to disciplinary action from the UPPCC Governing Board which could include revoking of certification.

Young and old businessmen

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